Thursday, January 12, 2017


Deceptively aggressive, uxibeasts are mammalian herbivores with a multitude of horns covering their shaggy bodies. They are believed to originate on Tython, but have been found in small numbers on other planets-evidence of the migration of the first Jedi, long ago. They typically travel in herds and are quite capable of fending off would-be predators; the pointed spines on their backs prevent attackers from pouncing on them, and a charging uxibeast is capable of inflicting all kinds of bodily harm.

Uxibeasts are generally ill-tempered and unpleasant around people, but they can be tamed-to a degree. Domesticated uxibeasts will imprint on a single individual, whom they are unquestionably loyal to, while remaining hostile toward everyone else. (Codex Text - Star Wars the Old Republic)

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