Thursday, December 13, 2018


Devastated by the Sith centuries ago, the planet Ossus has largely been forgotten by the greater galaxy. Enshrouded in the nebular material of the Cron Drift, the planet is difficult to even reach, with those who survive the journey discovering only hazardous wastelands and abandoned ruins on its surface.

Though it was once a notable center of Jedi culture and learning, the planet has rarely been visited by members of the Jedi Order in recent decades, as Ossus is located well within the Sith Empire's sphere of influence. For their part, the Sith have shown no interest whatsoever in exploring the planet; what purpose could be served by visiting the charred grave of an already-defeated foe?

(Codex Text - Star Wars the Old Republic / SWTOR)

The Jedi Library on Ossus (Great Jedi Library)

The Largest Jedi Library ever build, it was the center of knowledge and artifacts for the Jedi order until Ossus was hit by a supernova. It is extremely structurally strong, with the entirely of it build inside a mountain. So much if it has survived the supernova.

(Datalog analysis/SWTOR)

Jedi Hide


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