Thursday, May 23, 2019

Isotope-5 Droids

The mineral isotope-5 is the Hutt Cartel’s key to technological advances that will make it the galaxy’s undisputed military superpower. Scientists speculate that a single microgram of isotope-5 is enough to power a large datapad for an entire century. The Hutts are not interested in such peaceful applications, however.

Unbeknownst to Makeb’s rightful government, Hutt-employed scientists have designed and manufactured advanced war droids unlike anything the galaxy has seen. These isotope-5 droids are powered by fuel rods that generate impressive energy shields and devastating blaster fire.

Toborro the Hutt has deployed isotope-5 droids to attack civilian settlements and resistance forces. Although these early models are clearly “expendable” prototype designs, they are remarkably effective. Toborro is likely holding even more advanced isotope-5 droids in reserve. (Codex Text - Star Wars the Old Republic)

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