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Friday, April 27, 2018


T7-01 (Knight)

A quirky and surprisingly stubborn astromech droid with a lively personality and strong independent streak, T7-01 serves the Jedi by bravely facing danger on a daily basis. Skilled in high-resolution sensor scans, mechanical repair and starship piloting (along with numerous undocumented talents), the droid’s hard work is responsible for saving dozens, if not hundreds, of lives on Tython alone. 

Little is known about T7 before the droid came into the service of the Jedi. Certain features of its construction hint at it being a custom model built some time ago, but there are no official records to substantiate the theory. Despite the uncertainty of its origins, the droid’s enthusiasm and willingness to put itself in harm’s way leave little doubt as to its loyalty. 

Likes: Jedi, morally correct actions, defeating the Empire 
Dislikes: Bullying, killing innocents, disrespecting authority 

Primary Stat: Aim 
Secondary Stat: Endurance 

Primary Weapon: Blaster Pistol or Blaster Rifle 
Secondary Weapon: Shield Generator

T7-01 Video

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