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Friday, February 17, 2017


Lin was a Human female who lived with her husband, Bellis, on the planet Ord Mantell during the Cold War between the Galactic Republic and the Sith Empire. During the Separatist War, a conflict fought between the Republic and a group of Separatists attempting to overthrow Ord Mantell's government, the couple had a house in Talloran village, which was the first village taken over by the Separatists on the island of Avilatan. At that time, Bellis spied on Separatist activities for the Republic, but, during the year 3643 BBY, he was killed by Separatists while waiting to meet with a sergeant of the Republic Special Forces unit Havoc Squad in Talloran village. Lin learned of her husband's death when she encountered the sergeant in her house while looking for Bellis's field box, a type of case in which Republic agents stored important information. Lin was greatly upset by her husband's death—blaming the sergeant and the Republic—before giving the box to the sergeant. (


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