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Saturday, January 7, 2017


Guids are hoofed quadrupeds indigenous to Tython. Notable for their muscular forelegs and the distinctive tufts of hair on the shoulders, back and chin, they are typically encountered grazing alone or in small herds. Guids are not particularly aggressive, but if threatened, they are capable of causing injury or even death with their massive forelegs and powerful jaws. Attempts to domesticate guids have proved unsuccessful due to their stubborn and occasionally irritable nature. 

Jedi Master Silvarte has taken to labeling Padawans with a particularly lumbering lightsaber stance as devotees of the “Form of the Guid.” At least one of these Padawans–since proclaimed a full Jedi Knight–has taken this mild insult to heart, developing several lightsaber techniques inspired by the study and observation of these strange creatures. Master Silvarte considers this a mark of his success as a teacher.

(Codex Text - Star Wars the Old Republic / SWTOR)

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