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Wednesday, March 27, 2019
The Arcanum
Friday, March 22, 2019
KOTFE Messages
Subject: Our Depest Thanks
On behalf of my fellow exiles, I would like to extend our utmost thanks for your generosity in bringing us aboard your vessel. It is a strange ship, to be sure, but far preferable to the swamps or Arcann's prisons.
Though we have few relevant skills, we are doing our best to assist in the running of the ship--Master Vortena has even offered us permanent positions in his crew! We are overwhelmed by such kindness.
You saved us all--we will do whatever we can to repay you.
We'll be arriving in Odessen soon. I don't know when we'll have a moment to simply talk, but I need to get something off my chest. I knew going into this fight, sacrifices would be necessary. Such is the nature of war. But seeing the damage you suffered at Arcann's hands... You should be dead. I spent the last five years searching for you because I knew you were our only hope for victory, but I didn't think about the toll it might take on you. Koth did. He's always harping on those things. All I cared about was rescuing you so that you could rescue us. I wonder if that was unfair of me. Please know that I never take what you endure for granted. No matter what happens, the galaxy will be forever in your debt.
One of my jobs around here is monitoring morale. I intercept every comm channel in the camp (except yours--I respect the chain of command), and I know how to avoid being noticed by people who think they're having a private chat.
That all sounds terrible when I write it down. Let me start over.
I hear what people are saying around the camp, and the news is all good. Even the most die-hard Imperial soldiers are inspired by what you said. People believe we can win this fight, and that's a big improvement over what I was hearing over the last five years. You've won over the doubters, Commander. And if it makes any difference, you've definitely got my vote.
Subject: Thank You
I don't know why Firebrand didn't go through with the full plan. I have a feeling that was your doing. Either way, I'm glad it didn't happen.
It seemed so exciting and romantic at the time. Then my father died, and I realized this isn't a game. If I hadn't helped Firebrand, maybe he would still be alive.
Things have been hectic since the droid blackout. I heard my neighbors complaining yesterday about having to wash their own clothes. I wanted to tell them to shut up--it could've been so much worse! Because of you, at least no one else got hurt.
If Firebrand is with you, please be careful. She has a way of getting under your skin.
Subject: The new recruit
Look, can we keep Kaliyo out of the sabacc games from now on? She played with my crew last night and took them for all they had. Len got back to the barracks without his clothes and wouldn't tell me what happened. He seemed a little traumatized, now that I think about it.
Kaliyo's part of the team now. I respect that. But my people don't get paid enough as it is, and now Mistress Shady's taking what little they do have. I'd appreciate if you could keep her away from them.
And if you could get Len's clothes back, that'd be great. For everyone's sake.
From: Seb Lorod
Subject: Fwd (No Subject)
Really, Kaliyo? I have to hear from some slimeball pazaak dealer that you're out in Wild Space now? Two years I waited for you, and you couldn't even send a message. I thought you might be dead, thought the bounty hunters had finally caught up to you.
Well, I can take a hint. I saved up for that club we said we'd open together, but I guess I don't need the credits anymore. Take them. That was all I was ever good for, right?
NOTE FROM THERON: Intercepted six more messages like this one, all from different people. I try not to judge personal lives, but tell me this isn't evidence to keep Kaliyo at arm's length and use her skills appropriately.
Subject: Qeekly Morale Analysis
Greetings, Commander! It is my extreme pleasure to present my most recent findings on our delightful camp's morale.
Admiral Aygo and his soldiers have experienced a 12 percent increase in morale after the capture of a minor outpost on Tatooine. May I recommend a small celebration to maximize this boost in happiness?
In tracking Hylo Visz's daily routine, I have observed an 18 percent loss in sleep over the past week. My data also indicate high levels of frustration and increased irritability. Perhaps more comfortable quarters are in order, or even a reassuring hug from her commander!
I have been kept quite busy in my cleaning duties following Kaliyo Djannis's arrival. Our new recruit has conducted six scuffles with Tora to date. All have been resolved with a truce of intoxication and revelry.
I will continue to monitor morale and report any findings. I hope you have an extraordinarily productive day!
You don't know me, but I'm a pilot with the Alliance fleet. I noticed you the second you stepped on Odessen, and I've been watching you from afar ever since. Sorry, that's creepy, isn't it?
Anyway, I wrote a poem:
My flower of blue,
I pine for you.
Your laugh is so cute,
And your head tentacle things are also cute.
It needs work. But the point is, I think you're pretty and I was wondering if you want to get a drink together. If you don't, tell me and I'll leave you alone forever.
Avus (that's my name)
But if you did read it.... Do you think I have a shot?
You really proved yourself on the battlefield. I lost a few brothers and sisters, but it could have been a hell of a lot more. It's the best my people have felt in a while, and you showed we can trust your strength as a fighter. And Mand'alor seems to respect you, so Clan Fett has your back.
All this typing is making my blood itch, so I'll just say vor'e. Thanks. You're a true warrior.
When we began this partnership, I was careful to manage my expectations. I have often been disappointed by the fickleness of organic beings. But you continue to demonstrate that allying with you is beneficial. The capture of GEMINI Prime is a victory for us both.
You have exceeded my predictions. I admit I underestimated you, even after the impressive displays I've witnessed. In the future, I will be sure to have higher expectations.
I trust I have proven that an alliance with me is equally valuable. I look forward to seeing what more we can accomplish together.
Ner vod,
Wanted to say thanks for letting me stick around. I'll bring honor to Mand'alor and to you.
Things are different here. Not like I expected. Barely settled in and I already have supporters. In Mando'a we call it cyar'tomade, an affectionate group. People who root for your victories. Never had one in the clans, not like Khomo does. Your people really like my hair. Not sure how I feel about that.
Point is, you need a brother in combat. I'll stand by your side. Let's send the Eternal Empire packing.
Just got off the holo with a friend on Tatooine. In the time since you put down that blasted Star Fortress, there have been two gang wars, a dozen raids on the Sand People and nobody-knows-how-many public duels and other disturbances of the peace. A whole lot of pent-up anger just got discharged, and now everything's quiet. For now, anyway.
It's like I always say--people need the freedom to misbehave. The Eternal Empire thought it could force peace down everyone's throats, and all they did was make it worse. You did a good thing, Commander. Don't let anybody tell you otherwise.
We are so grateful for the opportunity to create the definitive public record of your war against the Eternal Empire. The Great Star Fortress Battle of Hoth will provide one of the finest chapters in our chronicles. We have conducted thorough interviews with all of your esteemed allies, and their accounts will ensure that we miss no details, however minor. Indeed, we have calculated to within fifty rounds how much ammunition was expended by members of the Alliance during this battle. We are disappointed that we cannot do the same for the enemy forces, but this is to be expected as there are no survivors to question. These are the sacrifices we must make in the war for truth.
We remain, as always, your official chronicler and comrade in arms.
Hemdil Tre
Esteemed Professor of Military Antiquity, Grand Nest of Cona
I regret to inform you that our attempts to reactivate GEMINI Prime have failed. We tried a variety of tactics: electromagnetic pulses, processor slicing, percussive maintenance, and so forth. These methods yield favorable results in nearly all droid models, yet I haven't managed to produce even a spark of life in Prime. My scans indicate she's still functional, but inactive.
I still have a trick or two up my metaphorical sleeve, but I am not optimistic about the results. Whatever issued the shut-down command seems to have an absolute hold over her. It appears we can only wait and hope.
Friday, March 15, 2019
Way of the Rishii
The Way of the Rishii: Philosophy, Mimicry, and Tranquil Coexistence in a Chaotic Galaxy
The Rishii are a mysterious and introspective species, known more for their keen observational skills and peaceful lifestyle than for their historical documentation or active involvement in galactic affairs. Their avian nature reflects their tranquil yet curious approach to life—more focused on understanding the intricacies of the world around them than on shaping or controlling it. This way of life is deeply embedded in their culture, influencing their values, behaviors, and interactions with other species.
Philosophy and Culture:
The Rishii embrace a philosophy centered on mindfulness, reflection, and coexistence. They are not inclined toward the creation of grand historical records or written texts. Instead, knowledge is passed down orally, from parent to child, or through the quiet observation of their surroundings. Their culture places high value on the natural world, and their daily lives are often spent engaged in activities like fishing, crafting, and spending time with family. This focus on living in harmony with nature extends to their spiritual beliefs, which revolve around understanding the flow of life and the interconnectedness of all living things.
Their social structure is relatively simple, with little interest in rigid hierarchies or formal authority. Instead, leadership tends to be more fluid, with those who demonstrate wisdom and experience naturally becoming respected figures in the community. The Rishii are not expansionist or aggressive, preferring to observe and learn rather than conquer or dominate. As a result, they often live in remote or secluded areas, where they can remain undisturbed by the hustle and bustle of the broader galaxy.
The Rishii and the Pirates:
One of the most intriguing aspects of Rishii society is their interaction with the pirates who have come to share their planet. Despite the potentially volatile nature of these pirates, including the infamous Ravagers, the Rishii have adopted a remarkably hands-off approach. They seem largely unconcerned with the pirates' activities, focusing instead on their own lives and maintaining the peace within their communities. This approach has earned them the respect of the pirates, who, for reasons unknown to outsiders, have largely refrained from interfering with the Rishii.
This mutual non-interference has allowed the Rishii to continue their way of life with little disturbance. Even the notorious Ravagers, who are known for their violent and unpredictable nature, have made no efforts to disrupt the Rishii’s tranquil existence. It is an odd yet remarkable coexistence, with both groups respecting each other’s boundaries and maintaining an unspoken understanding.
Mimicry and Storytelling:
Another unique trait of the Rishii is their remarkable ability to mimic sounds and voices. This talent has recently found expression in an unusual form of artistic and cultural expression: storytelling. The Rishii have begun to use their mimicry to recreate tales, particularly the stories of pirates that have become a central theme in their artistic productions. These performances often involve intricate vocal imitations of famous pirate figures, recounting their adventures and misadventures in a form that blends theatrical performance with their natural ability to mimic voices and sounds.
These reenactments have become popular among the Rishii, and they serve as a fascinating example of how the species, while peaceful and introspective, has adapted to the presence of outsiders. Through mimicry and performance, they explore and reinterpret the stories of pirates, an art form that both connects them to the galactic community and allows them to preserve their cultural identity.
The Rishii's Way of Life:
The Rishii’s approach to life is one of observation, simplicity, and adaptation. They are not driven by ambition or conquest but by a deep understanding of the world and a desire to live harmoniously within it. This way of life has allowed them to thrive in a world that is increasingly filled with conflict, trade, and tension. The Rishii's resilience comes not from their ability to fight or dominate, but from their capacity to live quietly and with purpose, taking only what they need and offering little in the way of interference.
In essence, the Way of the Rishii is a philosophy of peaceful coexistence, of quiet reflection, and of finding beauty in the simple act of living. They are a species that, though seemingly distant and disconnected from the larger galactic narrative, hold within them a wisdom and tranquility that can serve as an example for all those who seek balance in a chaotic universe.
The Jedi Lore Keeper’s Perspective on The Way of the Rishii
The Rishii are an enigmatic species, whose serene lifestyle and passive approach to the galaxy's events often leave the Order intrigued yet puzzled. From the Jedi perspective, the Rishii embody a rare kind of wisdom: one not born from direct intervention or the pursuit of power, but from a deep, almost meditative understanding of the natural world. Their quiet observation and mimicry of the galaxy's many tales suggest a different, more humble form of learning—a reflection of the universe itself, not to be controlled but respected and understood in its purest form.
Though they are not known for engaging in conflict or seeking prominence, the Rishii offer valuable lessons for the Jedi Order. Their ability to live in harmony with the natural world, despite the chaos and conflict surrounding them, reminds us of the importance of balance. The way the Rishii embrace their traditions—crafting stories, singing the songs of the past, and recreating legends—speaks to the deeper, intangible truths that the Jedi also strive to protect. Yet, their disregard for historical record-keeping may be seen as a stark contrast to the Jedi's meticulous preservation of knowledge, where understanding the past is key to guiding the future.
The Rishii's relationship with the pirates of their world serves as a reminder of the Jedi's core principle: the Jedi must learn to coexist with the galaxy in all its facets, even those we may find unsettling or unpredictable. In this way, the Jedi learn from the Rishii the importance of non-aggression and the deep-rooted wisdom found in simply observing, listening, and understanding the living forces around us.
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Codex on a Rishii Totem |