An Omen Most Dire: The Resurgence of the Sith Emperor and the Looming Galactic Threat
General Lore:
The galaxy trembles once again as the Sith Emperor returns from what many had believed to be his final death. His survival remains shrouded in mystery—whether through the dark arts of Sith alchemy or by the twisted designs of his own malevolent power, the Emperor’s return marks the resurgence of a terrifying era of galactic oppression. His ambition is unyielding: to consume all life, using the souls of the galaxy’s inhabitants as a means to fuel his eternal reign. With the Emperor’s return, the balance of power is once again at risk, and the galaxy faces the potential for unending darkness.
However, the Republic stands strong. United and fortified by its experience in previous wars, its forces are prepared to combat the Emperor’s rise once again. The Sith Emperor’s previous plans have been thwarted before, and the Republic's resilience gives hope that this threat too can be vanquished. But while the Republic remains vigilant, the future is never certain. The manipulations of the Sith Emperor are as unpredictable as they are devastating, and his dark power stretches farther than any can imagine.

The Jedi Lore Keeper's Perspective:
From the Jedi’s ancient archives, the tales of the Sith Emperor’s manipulations echo through time, a reminder of the danger posed by the darkest of the dark side’s practitioners. The Jedi know all too well the toll of underestimating the Sith Emperor’s cunning. His power is not merely the force of his own dark presence, but the ability to twist events, individuals, and whole systems to his will. The Emperor's return is a dire omen, yet not an impossible one. His legacy has been written in the suffering of entire worlds, and his thirst for immortality makes him an enemy like no other.
For the Jedi, this resurgence is a call to prepare—not just for battle, but for the trials of the spirit. The Emperor seeks to corrupt and control, and he has often found that to break the Jedi, he must first break their faith. The Jedi remain vigilant, but they are also wary. For every moment of light, the darkness of the Emperor looms, waiting to shift the balance of the galaxy once again. In this uncertain time, the Jedi know that only by standing together, with unity and purpose, can they hope to halt the Emperor’s eternal hunger for power.
The Sith Emperor stalks the galaxy once more. Whether his return from the brink of oblivion is the result of the Emperor’s own dark manipulations or merely the result of a terrible convergence of events, his ultimate goal remains the same–to consume all life in the galaxy as fuel for his own immortality.
Despite this chilling turn of events, hope remains. The Emperor’s plans have been stopped before, and the Republic is in a stronger position than ever. But the future is always in motion, and the manipulations of the Sith are never predictable…. (Codex Text - Star Wars the Old Republic / SWTOR)