Friday, October 20, 2023

House Alde - Library

On the planet Alderaan, a place called House Alde can be found in the Juran Mountains.

Monday, June 14, 2021

Casey Rix Message

 know our business is done and you aint too interested in hearing more out of me, but I want to wish you good luck with andronikos. 

hes good people, real good. Just dont cross him huh? He doesnt deserve to go thru that again.

Saturday, June 12, 2021

Rylee Dray messages

Rylee Dray messages 1

 The Screaming Blade Cult

My lord,

I'm happy to report that your cult is positively thriving! People are still talking about that little "display of power" we rigged, and we're seeing a steady stream of new converts.

Destris is a natural leader: strong, willful, reassuring. Still, he can be a bit... overbearing at times. Seems awfully eager to flaunt his new authority. Let's hope he didn't pick up any bad habits from Lord Paladius.


Worried About Detris

Destris is getting worse, my lord. His dedication to your cult has become fanatical and destructive. It's heartbreaking to watch.

He's actually started FORCING people to join the cult now. I've lost count of the number of times our recruitment talks have devolved into outright violence. His actions are perverting everything we try to do.

I'll have to talk to him, try to reason with him. I know he won't want to hear what I have to say, but I've known Destris for a long time. He may be in a bad place, but I'm certain I can bring him back.


Settling Affair

You can rest easy, my lord. Your cult is back in order.

I finally spoke to Destris, explained how his violent behavior was destroying the cult. He denied it all, thought I was just making a power play. We nearly came to blows.


It wasn't until I compared him to Lord Paladius and pointed out the similarities that he finally caved and realized what he'd become. Honestly, it was like a dam had burst.

He's back on the path now and doing what he can to restore the cult's reputation. Wasn't easy, but I believe your cult will emerge from all this stronger than ever, my lord.

Tuesday, June 8, 2021


The enormous and majestic bormus once moved in herds across Balmorra–until the Imperial bombardment wiped out many of the slow-moving behemoths and the pollution from Balmorra’s destroyed factories poisoned the land and the bormus’ food supply. 

Despite their size, bormus are incredibly gentle beasts and formerly relied on their herds for protection, stampeding potential predators. Now that they are on the brink of extinction, lone bormus are easily picked off by smaller, faster predators. (Codex Text - Star Wars the Old Republic / SWTOR)

Monday, April 26, 2021



Pejoratively called “hammerheads” for their distinctive skulls, Ithorians are a peaceful mammalian species with two mouths and four throats. Their native language–which other species often find melodious but impossible to reproduce–resembles music rather than speech.

Ithorians are devoted environmentalists and staunch pacifists. They evolved on the beautiful jungle world of Ithor, eventually moving into floating “herd ships” to avoid disturbing the native flora they call “Mother Jungle.” Their experience building herd ships allowed the Ithorians to become one of the earliest spacefaring species, and they live on city-ships to this day. Every five years, Ithorians gather for a Meet, where they exchange news, debate important issues and come together as a culture. 

Although not particularly technologically advanced, no species is more capable at restoring damaged ecologies than the Ithorians. Many Ithorian herds have begun visiting worlds whose biospheres were damaged in the Great War, encouraging the worlds’ recovery or transplanting endangered flora and fauna to new homes. (Codex Text - Star Wars the Old Republic / SWTOR)

Star of Coruscant


South Power Generator Facility