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Tuesday, August 21, 2018

Alliance Update - State of the Galaxy

News of the near-total destruction of the Eternal Alliance fleet has spread quickly, leading to renewed fears of a reignited war between the Galactic Republic and Sith Empire. Both factions have reportedly redoubled their efforts to hoard supplies, munitions, and fuel in anticipation of renewed hostilities. Resource shortages, already a common occurrence on many core worlds, are becoming a daily reality across the galaxy at large.

With no single unifying threat to motivate their continued cooperation, these tensions have led many of the Alliance's forces to return to their original sides of the age-old conflict, rejoining their longtime allies and waiting with grim certainty for the war to begin anew.

A hardened force of dedicated troops and staff still maintains the Alliance base on Odessen, however, and a small fleet still patrols Wild Space on their behalf. The Commander's closest allies remain loyal to the leader who helped unite them during one of the galaxy's darkest times--whatever path the Commander chooses next, they will most certainly follow, potentially tipping the scales of any conflict.... (Codex Text - Star Wars the Old Republic)

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